Tama Art University

Three Policies
Department of Ceramic, Glass, and Metal Works

Purposes and Educational Goals (Diploma Policy)

In our contemporary society, where both volumes of data and diversification are continually increasing, the Department of Ceramic, Glass, and Metal Works focuses on education that fosters an autonomous imagination based on the fundamental relationship between the creator and the material. We aim to develop artists that can actively and continuously present the outcomes of their endeavors to the world. To that end, the Department of Ceramic, Glass, and Metal Works interprets “craft” as a flexible and diverse word. Crafts combine “body and technique,” “feeling and material,” and we believe the will to produce things and the techniques that make this possible are inextricably linked.

The Department of Ceramic, Glass, and Metal Works is a program dealing with those three materials. Since ancient times, humans have used their bodies and tools to create all manner of things from these materials. Applying human intent to these materials and producing various objects has been a universal practice over time. It has also been a wellspring of diverse visual arts in the current era, and a foundation underlying all fabrication of objects.

In this department we explore crafts in terms of both technique and theory, according to a curriculum based on these ideas. Based on the three areas of ability that Tama Art University seeks to foster – observation and thought, conception and execution, creation and expression – students acquire “the power to interact with the material and think with the body,” “the power of relating to and working with the material,” and “the power to make things and express through things.” Students who have achieved this goal receive bachelor’s (BFA) degrees.

Curriculum Policy

The Department of Ceramic, Glass, and Metal Works organizes and implements curricula flexibly and organically based on the following policies so that students can achieve the goals set by the Diploma Policy.

In the introductory first and second year courses, introductory classes instruct students in how to look at objects from multiple directions and interact with materials. In the first year, all students carry out assignments with all three materials (ceramic, glass, and metal), learning the characteristics of each material throughout the production process and mastering basic skills and theory. From the second year onwards, they determine their own direction, choose the ceramic, glass, or metal program, and while building their foundations in this area, aim to discover themes in line with their interests and cultivate their technical skills. Although the content of studies differs from program to program, the second year is considered a crucial time when students make many things and work on a variety of assignments.

In the specialized courses in the third and fourth years, during the third year students acquire specialized skills applied to each material and hone their thinking skills, deepening their engagement with specific themes and aiming for individual expression. At the same time, they focus on interpersonal communication and build their abilities to present their works to society. During the fourth year, they clarify the themes they are dealing with, aim to integrate the theory and practice of production, and demonstrate the results of their studies in their graduation projects.

To evaluate the results of study, rigorous grading is carried out based on criteria specified in advance. These results are then utilized for further improvement of educational methods.

Admissions Policy

The power to create objects and express ideas with materials are the primal sources of visual art, with applications in diverse fields. All those who want to make things move their bodies and enjoy relating with materials in one way or another. People who maintain strong interest in materials and keep creating can exercise flexibility and ingenuity, and the Department of Ceramic, Glass, and Metal Works actively seeks such students. Once enrolled in the program, students with these qualities adopt a stance of connecting features of materials to concepts for production, and aspire to think while making. They are able to expand their ideas richly through their own creativity, and effectively give shape to their own ideas.

On the admissions examination, students are assessed on their ability to observe and analyze their subjects, focus their gaze and awareness, use materials creatively, and adopt a stance compatible with sustained creative production. While students learn the basics, they are not expected simply to fit the existing mold, but rather to develop their own identity. In addition, they are evaluated, using various testing methods, on their ability to communicate ideas logically through dialogues and statements, their enthusiasm for achieving their ambitions, and their willingness to study.

As the contents of study based on the Diploma Policy and the Curriculum Policy indicate, the Department of Ceramic, Glass, and Metal Works is widely accepting of anyone who wants to create through physical action and engagement with materials. The Department of Ceramic, Glass, and Metal Works aims to foster the potential of all such students who embark on this exciting journey.